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Science and Healthcare Professions

The Health and Sciences 护理er Community is for current Scotties and alums, 教师, and friends of 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 who are interested in collectively sharing and accessing resources that support career exploration, 发现, and connections within the Health Professions community.

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 Research Labs
  • 护理
  • 疾病预防控制中心 
  • Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
  • Community Advanced Practice Nurses
  • 迪卡尔布医疗中心
  • 埃默里医疗
  • Georgia Department of Global Health
  • Grady医院
  • Gwinnett Medical Center
  • Healthy Mothers/ Healthy Babies Coalition of GA
  • ASC学生俱乐部:
    • 公众健康会
    • Doctors Without Borders, Student Chapter
    • H.E.R.O.
    • 联合国儿童基金会
    • Scotties for Change
  • National Professional Organizations:
    • American Public Health Association (
    • SOPHAS ( The centralized application service for public health

护理er Coach - Sciences and Healthcare Professions
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Nonprofit, 艺术, 社会影响, and Sustainability

Agnes Scott’s Nonprofit, 艺术, 社会影响, and Sustainability 护理er Community is composed of Agnes Scott students, 教师, 工作人员, 女校友, and employers with an interest in collectively sharing and accessing resources that support career exploration, 网络, and career opportunities. Since nonprofit careers vary widely, individuals from all majors and professional backgrounds are welcome! We encourage group members to share 媒体 and events as well as internship, 工作, 奖学金, or research opportunities related to nonprofits or the arts, with a focus on professional and workforce development.

  • 亚特兰大历史中心
  • Atlanta Regional Commission
  • 迪凯特艺术联盟
  • 核心的舞蹈
  • Childspring International
  • Habitat for Humanity International
  • International Rescue Committee
  • 犹太家庭 & 职业服务
  • Latin American Association
  • 领导迪卡尔布
  • Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
  • Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA)
  • National Center for 民事 and Human Rights
  • United Way of Greater Atlanta
  • Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence
  • 伍德拉夫艺术中心
  • 亚特兰大大都会基督教青年会
  • ASC学生社团:
    • 动漫俱乐部
    • 极光杂志
    • Blackfriars
    • 黑环无线电
      • 工作室舞蹈剧场
    • 大学合唱团
    • ASC Community Orchestra various ensembles
    • 影响同伴领导
    • 惊喜的声音
    • Luchsingers
    • α Iota
    • 欧菲莉亚作品
    • Scotties for Change
    • 联合国儿童基金会 Campus Initiative (ASC chapter)

Senior 护理er Coach - Nonprofit, 艺术, 社会影响, and Sustainability Community
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Business, 技术, and Communications

Agnes Scott's Business, 技术, and Communications career community is composed of Agnes Scott students, 教师, 工作人员, 女校友, and employers with an interest in technology, 业务, 媒体, or communications careers. It is a forum to help build the future workforce in these industries. We share articles, intern/工作 opportunities, and events related to this work.

  • 怡安保险
  • AT&T
  • 亚特兰大公约 & 访问ors Bureau (accounting and digital mktg)
  • 亚特兰大的梦想
  • 护理 USA (communications, branding, HR, finance)
  • 亚特兰大市
  • 迪凯特市人力资源部
  • 芝加哥商品交易所
  • 考克斯汽车
  • 脸谱网
  • 快的企业
  • 联邦住房贷款银行
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
  • FullStory
  • Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD)’s Internship Program
  • Gathr技术
  • 佐治亚-太平洋
  • International Rescue Committee (accounting, finance, ops)
  • MailChimp的
  • 玛尔塔
  • Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
  • Morgan Stanley (Constance Woods, Wealth Mgr)
  • 奥美公司
  • 家得宝
  • 卡特中心
  • 特纳
  • UPS Corporate and Regional Headquarters
  • ASC学生社团
    • Wit Campus and Student Developers Club
  • Professional Associations
    • American Marketing Association (AMA)
    • The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
    • Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)
    • 科技领域的女性 (WIT)
    • Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)
    • She Runs It - League of Advertising Women
    • Social Enterprise Alliance
    • Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
    • National Investment Banking Association (NIBA)

护理er Coach - Business, 技术, and Communications Community
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Government, 政策, 法律系的, and International Affairs

政府, 政策, 法律系的, and International Affairs 护理er Community is a group for Agnes Scott students and alums to connect and learn about career trends, professional requirements, associations and internship and 工作 recruiting.

  • 美国公民自由联盟
  • Atlanta Community Food Bank
  • 护理
  • 卡特中心
  • 民事 & 人权博物馆
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
  • Fragomen (immigration lawyers)
  • Georgia Bar Association
  • 乔治亚州的立法机构
  • International Rescue Committee
  • 凯尔屋集团(DC)
  • 法律援助协会
  • 政治运动(e).g., Bee Nguyen, Stacy Abrams, Cisneros, Kamala Harris)
  • U.S. 国务院
  • 和平队
  • 联合国儿童基金会
  • UPS(法务部)
  • 魔杖
  • LSAC (law school admissions council)
  • CLEO (Council on Legal Education Opportunity)
  • Ignite (Women in Politics)
  • 司法委员会
  • 模拟联合国
  • Publius (pre-law group)
  • SGA
护理er Coach - Government, 政策, 法律系的, and International Affairs
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